Jonathan Santana





An American Love Story

A brand shaped by the people. The tale of Volkswagen's evolution from an outsider to a cultural icon.

Seizing America’s grandest stage — the Super Bowl — we delivered a love letter to the people. Dispensing with expected celebrity-fueled bombast to convey the brand’s appreciation to the American people for turning a humble bit of sheet metal into an icon. And it worked.


Highest-ever recorded nostalgia score



#1 Most engaged brand Super Bowl night




Directed by Lance Acord
Produced by Park Pictures
Music by Neil Diamond "I am I said"
Creative by Andreas Karlsonn & Noah Bramme
Executive Creative Direction by Jonathan Santana
Johannes Leonardo NYC


The Bus is Back

ID.Buzz, the all-electric reincarnation of its iconic microbus.

ID. Buzz is one of the most anticipated vehicle launches of all time. Already on the road in Europe, we needed a big and bold way to signal to the American market that the electric reincarnation of the Volkswagen microbus is on its way to the US.

Our approach was to embrace the restraint, wit, and warmth of the original bus advertising of the 1960s and give it a fresh coat of paint. Literally. With a two-tone design system and clever use of wordplay and apostrophes that showed up in major commuter spaces and along bus routes in NY and LA.

Produced by Preymaker
Design Direction by Charles Watlington & Olga Vladova
Jr. Creative by Katie Quinn & Stephen McDaniel
Associate Creative Direction by Julian Cohen & Mikayla Lapierre
Executive Creative Direction by Jonathan Santana
Johannes Leonardo NYC


Those Guys

The Volkswagen Atlas’ safety features keep everyone safe, even Those Guys.

To paint the picture of what makes VW drivers different we told the story of those who are considerate of others, like our VW drivers, and a guy who is not. Ironically, no car can distinguish between the two. Even though sometimes, we may wish it could.

Directed by Björn Ruhmann
Produced by Smuggler
Music by Doris Day “It’s A Lovely Day Today”
Creative Concept by Julian Cohen & Mikayla Lapierre 
Group Creative Direction by Jonathan Santana
Johannes Leonardo NYC



A world of pressure created Christian Pulisic. A world under pressure created the VW ID.4.

A film that draws parallels between the immense pressure and responsibilty sports stars endure to that of the immense pressure and responsibilty Volkswagen is under to not only manufacture electric vehicles, but lead the revolution in electric mobilty both in the US and the world.

Directed by Adam Hashemi
Produced by Reset Content
Music by Dan Deacon
Creative Concept & Direction by Carolyn Davis & Matthew Page 
Group Creative Direction by Jonathan Santana
Johannes Leonardo NYC

Captain Morgan

Ready To Share

Introducing a new cocktail to a new generation.

The ultimate product taste test content for a generation who call b.s. on keeping things real. In the spirit of keeping it real we got our wonderfully diverse cast to share their thoughts on Captain Morgan’s ready to share cocktails — because why make cocktails when you can make memori

Directed by Malia James
Produced by Imposter
Creative by Jonathan Santana, Ryan Delehanty & Ben Martin
Creative Direction by Jonathan Santana
Lucky Generals New York